Voyage of S.V. Sea Star
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Christmas Down Under
At times it feels like we are the maritime equivalent of the Antique Roadshow. Since Volvo doesn't manufacture our saildrive anymore,  with Cstar Matt's help ( removing our engine and driving 700 km to locate a used saildrive) we ended up with enough bits for Mike at Marine Torque to rebuild our leg. We slapped on a coat of anti-fouling and motored up the river to Bundaberg to pick up friends spending Christmas with us. Bundaberg is located in the sugar cane growing area and is renowned for its rum factory.

 Bundaberg post office

  munching in a downtown pedestrian mall

Once our friends arrived from Victoria we hopped in a rental and drove up to 1770, a town where Captain Cook came ashore and cooked a bustard.

on the road again...

   heading north on our roadtrip with Sue, Bill and Alice

 Emma and Alice on kangaroo spotting patrol

 Climbing in Bunya National Park

Intrepid hikers in Carnavon Gorge National Park

  hitting the beach on International Surfer Girl Day

After our road trip we loaded aboard Sea Star for the 50 mile trip to Lady Musgrave Island to spend Christmas. On the way we were visited by 30 dolphins and one evening we went out with turtle researchers to watch green turtles nest.

group of three bottle-nosed dolphins bow-riding

 Anchored off Lady Musgrave Island

 Green turtle tracks

  Green turtle nesting

 Researcher tagging green turtle

 opening presents